This endpoint is used to update the visibility status of one or more events in the TotalPass' app, making it possible to set events as either "hidden", "inactive" or "active". The endpoint supports batch updates for up to 20 events per request. By default, events are set to "active" when created or not explicitly modified. The three possible status are explained below:

  • "active": the event is indeed active and should be shown to users in the TotalPass' app;
  • "hidden": the event should not be shown to users in the TotalPass' app and new reservations cannot be created, but the reservations that were already created should not be deleted;
  • "inactive": the event should not be shown to users in the TotalPass' app, new reservations cannot be created and the reservations that were already created should be deleted.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!